Saturday, August 23, 2014

Back home

Pleasantly comfortable this evening. Cocktail: Percocet, Valium, and gummi lifesavers. All of my sisters are here. Andrew and Jamie are with his folks. Mom and Dad are safe at home too. I am lapped in love and so so grateful.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

When I was about 10 I loved to read the Catholic Digest that we subscribed to just as much as I enjoyed Little House on the Prairie, How to Eat Fried Worms and Trixie Belden. One day I read an article about a woman who had breast cancer and it must have scared the crap out of me because I became convinced that I had it. I felt a lump in my nearly nonexistent boob and my mom took me to the doctor, who felt me up, then explained to me that I did not have cancer. I was growing breasts.

Later boys snapped my bra in the hall. Later still I discovered Victoria's Secret. Best of all, my healthy little boy, who is sitting next to me eating a bagel, nursed for several years (yes, I was one of those mothers). Now I am going to go to Ellis Fischel, and then the Women & Children's Hospital, for a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction surgery. I should be home tomorrow sporting bandages so tight that they will feel like a plate of armour, they tell me. I might not be able to blog for awhile. But if you're reading this, think of me. Get a mammogram if you think you might need one, too.